四槽式超声波气相清洗机QSY4004V超声波气相清洗机 将工件放置在装入有机溶剂的超声波清洗槽内,通过强烈的超声波空化作用,使工件在极短的时间内清洗干净。再把工件放在清洗机的蒸汽区内,工件在遇到蒸汽后产生凝露,并与工件表面污物产生作用,随着液滴滑落而带走污物,再将工件提起,放在上部的冷凝区中冷凝干燥,超声波气相清洗机采用有机溶剂为清洗剂,具有极强的溶解污垢能力,在经过超声波清洗后效果更加显著。 Ultrasonic wave gas phase clearer when clean lays aside the work piece in loads the organic solvent in the ultrasonic wave rinse bath, through the intense ultrasonic wave cavitation, causes the work piece in a short time to clean cleanly. Places again the work piece in clearer's steam area, the work piece after meeting the steam produces congeals the dew, and has the function with the work piece surface contamination, falls along with the bubble carries off the contamination, mentions upside again the work piece, places in the condensation area the condensation to be dry, the ultrasonic wave gas phase clearer uses the organic solvent is the cleansing agent, has the greatly strengthened dissolved dirt ability, after undergoing the ultrasonic cleaning the effect is more remarkable. 【应用范围】 电子零件及线路板上的松香,粉末冶金件上的防锈油,空调蒸发器,精密机械零件上的油脂表带表壳上的污垢等的清洗。 【Scope】 Onelectronic part and line board rosin, powder metallurgy on pickling oil, air conditioning evaporator, in precision machinery components fat watch band watch case's dirt and so on clean. 【产品特点】 1、全不锈钢结构,结构紧凑合理,美观大方。 2、加热及自动恒温系统,恒温范围30℃-110℃(可调) 3、外置工业冷气机及内置冷凝盘管,有效地防止清洗剂挥发,降低使用成本。 4、另设有蒸馏回收系统,清洗剂可循环再用。 5、设有检测及安全保护,液位保护,温度保护,冷气机过载保护等。 6、设置溶剂过滤系统,确保溶剂的清洁。 7、另可根据客户不同需求设置自动化机械臂系统。 【Product characteristic】 1、 It made of imported stainless steel plate and components, all stainless steel structure,looks good and durable. 2、Heating and automatic temperature control system, the temperature range of 30。C ~110。C (adjustable). 3、External industrial chiller and inside cooling coil units, Effectively prevent the cleaning agent volatile to reduce the production cost. 4、It has the distillation recovery system,cleaning agent that can be reused. 5、It has the detection and security protection,respectively has the level protection,temperature control,chiller overload protection and so on. 6、Provide filtration system to ensure cleanliness solution. 7、It can increase robotic arm system according to the automer’s automation request.
工艺流程:超声粗洗→超声精洗→冷漂洗→冷凝干燥 上一篇超声波清洗机QSY-2013QT下一篇缸盖超声波清洗机 |