单槽式超声波清洗机QSY-L分体机超声波清洗机采用国外先进的技术,配合独特的胶接工艺保证超声功率的强劲输出,振子永不脱落,备有加热、温控等各款机型可供选择、超声频率有20KHz、25KHz、28KHz、40KHz、58KHz。 It adopts foreign advanced technology, special glue joint technique to make the strong ultrasonic power output and shaker never drop.The company has all kinds of cleaning instrument for choice ,such as heating, temperature-control and others. The ultrasonic frequency includes20KHz、25KHz、28KHz、40KHz、58KHz. 应用范围: 电子电器零件、医疗器械、汽车、摩托车的零部件生产与维修、金属冲压件、机加工零件、油泵油嘴、压缩机零件及化纤行业的喷丝板与过滤芯的清洗。 Applied for : Part of the electronic apparatus,Medical equipment, Spare part production and maintenance of the qutomobile , motorcycle, Metal press piece ,oil pump glib ,compressor part and spinneret and washing ,filtration of core of chemical fibre industry. 功能: 设备为分体机、功率可调、温度可调、过流保护 上一篇单槽式多面振超声波清洗机下一篇单槽式超声波清洗机 |